Edgar Pangborn
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/authors/writers/edgar-pangborn/
None yet.Sources: TEoSF.
Short Fiction:
- 1951. Angel's Egg
- 1953. Darius
- 1953. Pick-Up for Olympus
- 1954. The Music Master of Babylon
- 1959. The Ponsonby Case
- 1959. The Red Hills of Summer
- 1960. Good Neighbors
- 1960. Good Neighbors
- 1960. The Good Neighbors
- 1960. The Wrens in Grampa's Whiskers
- 1961. The Golden Horn
- 1962. A War of No Consequence
- 1964. Maxwell's Monkey
- 1965. A Better Mousehole
- 1965. Wogglebeast
- 1966. A Master of Babylon
- 1969. Longtooth
- 1971. Mount Charity
- 1972. Tiger Boy
- 1973. My Brother Leopold
- 1973. The Freshman Angle
- 1973. The World Is a Sphere
- 1974. The Children's Crusade
- 1974. The Legend of Hombas
- 1974. The Night Wind
- 1974. The Witches of Nupal
- 1975. Harper Conan and Singer David
- 1975. Mam Sola's House
- 8888. The Life and the Clay
- 1955. A Mirror for Observers International Fantasy, Fiction
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