Boris Strugatsky
From Author Wars -
- 1959. Strana bagrovykh tuch
- 1959. The Country of Crimson Clouds
- 1962. Space Apprentice
- 1962. Stazhery
- 1962. Vozvrashchenie (Polden'. 22-i vek)
- 1962. XXII vek (Vozvrashchenie) (exp 1967)
- 1964. Trudno byt' bogom
- 1965. Ponedel'nik nachinaetsia v subbotu
- 1967. Dalekaia Raduga
- 1967. Far Rainbow
- 1968. Skazka o troike
- 1968. Tale of the Troika
- 1968. The Second Invasion from Mars
- 1968. Vtoroe nashestvie marsian
- 1971. Obitaemyi ostrov
- 1972. Gadkie lebedi
- 1972. The Ugly Swans
- 1976. The Final Circle of Paradise
- 1976. Za milliard let do kontsa sveta
- 1977. Prisoners of Power
- 1977. Roadside Picnic
- 1978. Definitely Maybe
- 1978. Noon: 22nd Century
- 1979. Zhuk v Muraveinike
- 1980. Beetle in the Anthill
- 1980. The Second Invasion From Mars
- 1980. The Snail on the Slope
- 1980. Ulitka na sklone
- 1986. The Time Wanderers
Short Fiction:
- 1959. Initiative
- 1961. Six Matches
- 1961. Spontaneous Reflex
- 1963. Destination: Amaltheia
- 1966. An Emergency Case
- 1967. Wanderers and Travellers
- 1968. The White Cone of the Alaid
- 1970. He Will Wake in Two Hundred Years
- 1970. The Second Martian Invasion
- 1973. The Gigantic Fluctuation
- 1979. Far Rainbow
- 1982. Escape Attempt
- 1982. Space Mowgli
- 1982. The Kid from Hell
- 1984. Way to Amalteia
- 1996. The Kikes of Peter's Town or, Unhappy Discourses by Candlelight
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